The commitment to excellence, innovation and internationalization; meeting the needs in a safe and sustainable way
The quality, both technical and human, the commitment for the prevention of pollution and protection of workers' health are key elements in the business policy and in the activity of Molecor.
The Integrated Management System, as established in its Policy on Quality, Environment and Prevention, is based on the following principles:
- Identification of Needs and Requirements of Stakeholders of Piping Systems for Fluid and Technology for their manufacture.
- Compliance with Legal Regulatory and Regulatory Requirements, as well as with other voluntary requirements, performing our activity within a framework of respect for the environment.
- Recognition and evaluation of internal or external processes, through a Risk Management system to achieve the business objectives.
- Establishment of a dynamic of Continuous Improvement of the services provided, improving our behavior against environmental impacts, always seeking prevention of pollution and prevention of occupational risks, promoting initiatives and providing training to our employees to actively collaborate in this cause.
- Implantation of the necessary measures to Prevent Accidents and Professional Diseases, eliminating risks that could lead to problems for the safety and health of the workers.
With the objective of achieving the satisfaction of clients and other stakeholders, and to effectively develop the processes while maintaining a commitment to the Environment and Occupational Health and Safety management, a Comprehensive Management System has been implemented based on UNE-EN ISO 9001:2015 and UNE-EN ISO 14001:2015 standards.