NFIS 2023

In its commitment to sustainable development and the creation of positive impact, Molecor has published its Sustainability Report 2023. This report provides all stakeholders with a transparent and detailed view of the company's social, environmental and governance impacts over the past year.

This Non-Financial Information Statement (NFIS), verified by an independent audit team, has been prepared in accordance with the requirements established in Law 11/2018 on Non-Financial Information based on the GRI (Global Reporting Initiative) standards as a reporting reference, and is aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations.

In line with its commitment to operate in a responsible and sustainable way, Molecor highlights the following achievements in its report:

About the organisation's governance, the most significant advance to reinforce and drive the generation of the greatest possible positive impact, both on people and the environment, has been the preparation of the Strategic Sustainability Plan 2023-2025. This Plan has defined 9 ambitions spread across the three pillars of sustainability, including, for example, alignment with the environmental and social taxonomies, promoting circularity in the sector, and being Net Zero by 2040.  It is also worth mentioning another of the advances made in this area, the publication of the Code of Ethics within the Compliance model implemented in the previous year. 

A key aspect at Molecor is innovation, making a very significant investment that translates into the development of products with a lower environmental impact. The new TR6® pipe for irrigation, launched on the market in 2023 after an eco-design process, represents a significant advance in the search for more sustainable and circular solutions in the sector, on which the company continues to work very actively.

In the environmental dimension, one of the milestones achieved is the voluntary Operation Clean Sweep (OCS) certification of all manufacturing plants in Spain in accordance with the requirements of the new OCS Europe certification scheme, which shows the organisation's commitment to avoiding the loss of pellets to the environment, and which allows the company to anticipate the legislative requirements that the European Commission is developing in this area.

The company continues to be very involved in contributing to the fight against climate change, and therefore, in order to continue making progress in decarbonisation, the organisation's carbon footprint has been calculated for scopes 1 and 2, and the calculation of scope 3 has begun. Knowledge of this carbon footprint will enable the detailed development of the roadmap of the Decarbonisation Plan with the aim of achieving zero net emissions in 2040, an ambition included in the ESG Strategic Plan

In addition, work is being carried out to improve the organisation's energy efficiency with the implementation of an energy management system in accordance with the ISO 50001 standard in all production plants, and the implementation of the various energy saving measures identified.

On a social level, great emphasis has been placed on the development and training of employees, with the implementation of an online training platform that has given a significant boost to this area, with more than 8,000 hours of training being given during the year.

Molecor is also very committed to society, which is why it continues to support social projects and local development, including: the donation of TOM® pipes for the reconstruction of drinking water supply networks after the devastating earthquake in Türkiye, funding for the construction of a water well in a village in Madagascar, and the sponsorship of different sports to promote health and sport, as well as social initiatives such as Women's Day or the Day of the Disabled.

‘The year 2023 has been full of challenges due to high global instability, but thanks to our value proposal based on the pillars of innovation, internationalisation and agility in decision-making, we have achieved growth rates above the sector,’ says Ignacio Muñoz, CEO of Molecor

In order to communicate effectively by providing a concise and clear overview of the key points of the report, an Executive Briefing has also been prepared, which, like the Report, is available on the links below.


Executive Briefing

NFIS 2023