World Oceans Day will be celebrated on 8 June, an event with the purpose of informing about the importance of the seas and oceans and the impact that humans have on these bodies of water that are essential for life on Earth. A worldwide movement to support and unite people in a project for the sustainable management of our seas.
More than 70% of the planet's surface is covered by the oceans, but they remain one of the most unknown parts of the planet, with barely more than 8,000 metres of known marine depth, and we do not know the full extent of the effects of our activities on them. It is a primary source of life and a major regulator of climate and weather patterns, producing more than 50% of the oxygen we breathe, as well as containing most of the Earth's biodiversity.
This vast supply of resources, as in other aspects of the planet, is being overexploited, depleted and polluted, among other things, by microplastics of different kinds that can end up damaging ecosystems and the species that inhabit them. This is why Molecor maintains its firm commitment to this problem by supporting the voluntary initiative developed by the plastics industry, the Operation Clean Sweep (OCS) programme, whose objective is to avoid involuntary loss to the environment.
Advancing in this commitment, in addition to the certification of the Loeches plant achieved in 2021, certification has been obtained for the rest of the production plants in Spain: Alovera (Guadalajara), Alcázar de San Juan (Ciudad Real), and Antequera (Málaga).
It should be noted that the certifications have been carried out through AENOR in accordance with the requirements of the new OCS Europe certification scheme, which will serve as a basis for responding to the new legislation that is being established in Europe in this area to reduce microplastic pollution due to pellet loss, including the requirement for mandatory certification of a system of good practices in this area.
Molecor seeks to help achieve the Sustainable Development Goals proposed by the United Nations, and the aim of these actions is to help achieve SDG 14 Underwater Life to conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources.