This month took place the groundbreaking ceremony for the HS Jaro (P-1, P-2) Total Pipe Replacement Project in Iloilo City. A project from Metro Pacific Iloilo Water that will set to enhance the water distribution network across the metropolis, addressing long-standing challenges and ensuring a more reliable and efficient water supply for the residents thanks to the use of TOM® PVC-O pipes.
As a leader in the industry, Molecor SEA achieved a groundbreaking feat: the installation of the first DN1000 mm PVC-O pipe ever in the Philippines. This remarkable achievement not only represents a significant technical breakthrough for our company but also contributes to the advancement of the Philippines water infrastructure.
The groundbreaking event was attended by key stakeholders, including Hon. Mayor Sir Jerry Treñas; Iloilo City Mayor Arthur R. Defensor Jr.; Province Governor of Iloilo Province and local officials. Mr. Walter Philip Pattynama, the CEO of Molecor South East Asia, with headquarters in Kuala Lumpur, read aloud a letter from His Excellency José Luis Pardo, the Ambassador of Spain to Malaysia, who was unfortunately unable to attend the event. Representing the Ambassador, Mr. Pattynama conveyed the Ambassador's pride and enthusiasm for the project, highlighting that Molecor exemplifies the excellence of Spanish industrial and innovation capabilities
The project will upgrade the aged water infrastructure of Iloilo City, spanning a length of 14.97 kilometers of DN1000, DN600, DN250, DN200, DN160 and DN110 mm PVC-O pipes from Barangay Ungka to Jaro Plaza. The new pipes are expected to reduce the non-revenue water in the Jaro district from 70 percent to 25 percent, which translates to 10-15 million liters per day (MLD) recoverable volume for the customers as stated by Angelo David Berba, MPIW's Chief Operating Officer.
Additionally, the updated water infrastructure will not only improve water supplies in Jaro but also benefit the Mandurriao and City Proper areas. It will eliminate the need for crossing service lines across roads, decommission the old and dilapidated pipeline, and support the city's growing population and development needs.